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Healthcare Professionals, HFH Foundation Grants

Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles Receives $5,000 Grant from Homes for Heroes Foundation

Council of Black Nurses-LA FR Pinky Nichols Barbara Collier Barbara Johnson BR HFH Billie Jean OKeith Angela Wilson

The Homes for Heroes Foundation awarded the Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles with a $5,000 grant to help provide scholarships that help nursing students cover their education and training costs. Homes for Heroes, Inc. and the Homes for Heroes Foundation are honored to support the organization in their mission to assist their community nurses with furthering their education and training.

The Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles’ Mission

Why was the Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles Established?

Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles founder Dr Betty Smith Williams Angela Wilson President

The Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles (CBN-LA) was founded in 1968 in the living room of Dr. Betty Smith Williams(shown in photo above), a visionary leader dedicated to uplifting Black nurses. Recognizing the need for a supportive space where Black nurses could connect, advocate for their profession, and serve the community, Dr. Smith Williams and her peers laid the foundation for what would become an important service-driven organization in the Black community.

Her influence extended beyond Los Angeles, as she later played a key role in establishing the National Black Nurses Association (NBNA). Today, CBN-LA continues to honor her legacy, empowering Black nurses and advancing health equity.

According to Barbera Johnson, Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles, Co-Founder:

“The Council of Black Nurses came into existence during the civil rights movement in 1968. We created the organization to do a number of things in the community including:

  • Increase the number of African-American Black nurses that were well trained.
  • Help with the education and training for African-American Black nurses.
  • Serve our community to increase the health and welfare of our community.”

What Does the Organization Do to Help Heroes?

Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles volunteers members working event on street

The CBN-LA is dedicated to advancing health education, promoting wellness, and empowering their communities through hands-on engagement. They provide mentorship and scholarships to support the growth and success of Black nurses, and all members of the nursing community who need some assistance with the cost of getting trained, helping to foster the next generation of healthcare leaders and mentors.

“We have existed for a long time, and we want to keep the legacy of our founders going. Their goal was to increase the number of African-American nurses in the Black population,” said Barbera Collier, Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles, Immediate Past President.

Lifetime member of the Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles, Pinky Nichols, offers a historical perspective of past challenges and how the organization was able to provide their services.

“Many of the people we help have families already, and most of them are working one job, some are working two jobs just to purchase books. We have been working very hard to improve this.

Many years ago we didn’t have any money. No one gave us anything. So, we went to the churches, and the churches helped us raise money. The churches have been very, very helpful. We also donated out of our pockets to buy books for the nurses.

We thank you all for giving us this big sum of money in order to help our organization help these nurses.”

How will this Grant be Used to Support Heroes?

The Homes for Heroes Foundation is honored to support the Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles with its mission to help nurses struggling with the cost of their education and training by awarding the Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles with a $5,000 grant.

Watch the grant presentation video:

Homes for Heroes local real estate specialist, Billie Jean O’Keith, nominated the CBN-LA to receive the $5,000 Homes for Heroes Foundation grant.

She was asked why nominating this organization was important.

Billie Jean responded by saying:

“They stood out to me. I started working with them, attending their events, and what I realized was they truly live their mission. That mission is to serve the community at large. They’re like nurses without walls. They meet the public where the public is at, whether it is through education, preventive medication, or administering different types of tests.

The other part of their mission is continuing to keep this legacy going by recruiting young people who are interested in the nursing field and learning the skills. The organization and its mission continues to flourish by developing experts to serve the community.

And, I realized how important it for Homes for Heroes to get behind their efforts and support this organization any way we can.”

Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles members teacher educating students

The Homes for Heroes Foundation grant will be used to help fund the scholarships and mentorship programs offered by the Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles to help nurses attain the education and training they require to support the healthcare needs of the community.

“We have awarded scholarships for nursing students since 1968. And the scholarships vary. In this case, the $5,000 grant will be used to provide 5-7 scholarships to student nurses who are in need of financial support to continue their nursing education.

We know nurses are needed. And, that is why our mission is to add more trained nurses to our communities,” said Barbera Collier, Council of Black Nurses, LA Inc., Immediate Past President.

Current President of the Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles and lifetime member, Angela Wilson, was asked to share a story about a time when the organization was able to assist a nurse who was in need of financial support in order to continue her training:

“When people apply for scholarships, they have to complete an essay.

There was a time when a single parent was trying to get through their education/training program, and they talked about how the finances could assist with their other obligations and trying to go to school at the same time. This person was given assistance, made it through their education, and eventually came back and joined our organization. This person became actively involved in the organization and helped to recruit more students.

So as we give a scholarship, we gain a member, and that member recruits more members. It is like a circle of giving.”

How You can Support the Council of Black Nurses Los Angeles’ Mission

You can help support their mission by visiting their website or the organization’s Facebook page. To further support their efforts, please contact them to help fund the support they provide to nursing students and get the education and training they require to serve their community healthcare needs.

Foundation Grants: Part of Homes for Heroes Circle of Giving

Grants from the Homes for Heroes Foundation are made possible by the Homes for Heroes Circle of Giving and its network of real estate and mortgage professionals. Homes for Heroes, Inc. is committed to providing savings to community heroes; including firefighters, EMS, law enforcement, military (active duty, reserves and veterans), healthcare professionals and teachers.

To expand its Circle of Giving, Homes for Heroes, Inc., donates a portion of its earnings to the Homes for Heroes Foundation. So, every time a hero buys or sells a home using the Homes for Heroes program, they are helping other heroes across the country who are facing a housing crisis or are in need of urgent financial assistance.

If you are interested in learning more about how Homes for Heroes can guide you through the home buying, selling or refinancing process AND save you an average of $3,000 after closing on a home, simply sign up to be connected with our local specialists. They will follow up with you to answer all of your questions.

If you’re interested in learning about our wider impact, simply visit the Homes for Heroes Foundation for more information about recent grants to hero organizations, how much it has awarded, and how it all works.

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